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TutorialHow can I switch between multiple businesses on my Solomoto account?

If you have more than one business connected to your Solomoto account, you can switch between businesses (switch from viewing information and managing one business to viewing information and managing another) by looking at your other Business Profile.

In the top center of the screen, you see your business’ name. If you click on the name, you will see a drop down menu. On the bottom of the menu, you should see a list of all your businesses (Business Profiles). To view a different Business Profile, click the business you want to manage.

If you are unsure which Business Profile you are looking at, you can tell by looking that the top center of the screen to see which business name is there. That business name corresponds to the Business Profile that you are viewing in your dashboard (main part of the screen). If you click on the business name, you can also see on the drop down menu that the business name has a green check to the left of it, signaling that this is the Business Profile you are viewing.



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