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TutorialAdvertisements Section

Here you will write the content of the advertisement including the headline, description, and specific website page you want your customers to be directed to.

Make sure the ad is clearly written and includes the benefits or advantages of choosing your business for that product or service. Those advantages could be what makes your business different from competitors (your unique selling proposition) or special discounts or offers.

Here are some tips to help you write a compelling advertisement:

  • Indicate arguments in favor of buying your particular product
  • Include information about special offers or discounts
  • Use call-to-actions such as “buy,” “download,” or “order” in your ads
  • Include the name of the geolocation or target location in the text ad to increase conversion rates
  • Use keywords in your ad text. We list the keywords under the description field (when keywords used in the original search question match your advertisement, they are highlighted in the ad in bold which attracts more attention and leads to your business)
  • The link in the ad should lead the customer to a specific webpage describing the product or service of interest
  • Do not forget about the editorial requirements of search engines and follow them when writing an ad. It will help your campaign pass its moderation faster. Remember, the better your ad text corresponds to the user’s request, the more effectively the advertising campaign works

We recommend creating several ad variations and the system will show each of them in turn, determining the most effective ones. Over time, the ads that potential customers are most likely to respond to will be automatically shown more often, and unpopular ones will be shown less frequently.

Ad Content


How do I choose text for my ad?
Google Ads are composed of a headline and two lines of descriptive text. You can either choose a pre-made text ad from the Text Library, or write your own text ad.

To choose a text ad from the library, just click on the link right next to the headline field, and look into the tab Solomoto Collection to select a pre-made text ad that fits your business category. You can edit any part of these pre-made text ads that you want.

Do not forget to insert a website link to choose where you want to direct users that click on your ad.
What is my advertisement’s headline?
Your headline should display your service or product as clearly as possible. Search engines like google will require you to write two headlines that are linked by the “ - ” symbol.

It’s recommended to write keywords, your business name, or what your business is offering in the headlines. If you need help coming up with compelling headlines, click the “select texts for the ad from library” to view different ready-made advertisements tailored to your business category. Select the desired advertising and customize it to your liking.

Remember to pay attention to the number of characters you use for each heading. You can use up to 30 characters (includes spacing and punctuation) for each headline.
What is my advertisement’s description?
Your description should describe your product or service in more detail. It should also include the benefits or advantages of choosing your business for that product or service. Those advantages could be what makes your business different from competitors (your unique selling proposition) or special discounts or offers.

Remember to pay attention to the number of characters you use for your description. You can use up to 80 characters (includes spacing and punctuation).
What is my advertisement’s webpage?
Your webpage is the specific page you want your audience to be directed to when they click on your advertisement. This can be your website’s homepage, online store, specific product page, or pricing page.

Your basic website address is already written from when you inserted your business’ website address in the previous section. To transform the link from your website’s homepage to a specific web or product page, go to your website and click on the specific page you want your customers to be directed to.

Copy what is in your search bar up to your basic website address (you will copy everything except Paste that into the website page field. You will notice that the entire URL in that field now matches the URL of your specific web page.
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