At the heart of every business is its personality. At Solomoto, we have the unique opportunity to learn about the personalities of the businesses we support on our all-in-one marketing platform.

Business personalities are manifestations of the ideal attributes you want your business to have. Your business’ personality influences everything a business does from the way it treats customers, what it prioritizes, it’s working environment, and what marketing strategies it uses.

Perhaps the most important thing your business’ personality affects is its people. These people can be the business’ employees or your target audience.


Because the way your business’ personality affects its people will affect the people’s perception of your business.

What do I mean by this?

People judge things on their perception. How good, clean, beautiful, popular, and modern something is greatly affects how people perceive something. This is the same with companies.

People judge a company and its brand based on their perception of that company and brand.

Some common areas people judge a business (consciously and unconsciously)

  • The logo and slogan of the company
  • The look and feel of a website
  • Opinions and reviews on the product or service quality
  • The company’s online presence and perceived popularity
  • The quality of customer service and company-customer interaction
  • The user experience with the product or service
  • The quality of content your company publishes
  • The impact the company has on the community or world
  • and a lot more!


That is why, it is crucial that your business’ personality is at the core of everything your business does and represents from customer service to the layout of your website.

There are several factors that make up your business’ personality. Many of which are highly interconnected and hard to view alone.

1. Company Culture

See ours here!

Company culture is the essence of your business’ work personality. It defines the environment in which employees work. Company culture is made up of a variety of elements that can be boiled down to its work environment, company mission and vision, values, and expectations.

Company cultures can be team based with employee participation on all levels while other have a more traditional, hierarchical management style. Culture can also create a casual workplace or a strict one with many rules and regulations.

So what, who cares about culture?

Your employees do! Company culture is crucial for workers to enjoy their time in the workplace. Usually employees enjoy work when their values and expectations are consistent with those of the company. As a result, they tend to develop better relationships with coworkers, are more productive, and have stronger ties to the company or brand.

By creating a positive work environment for your employees, they will feel happier and become more productive. By sharing the same values and company expectations as the company, your employees will feel as if they have joined a community that understands them and offers them the ability to succeed.

Lastly, your employees will feel a sense of shared urgency and desire to change the world for the better by identifying with your company’s mission and vision. The company’s mission might resonate with them on a personal level and motivate them to go the extra mile to create that impact (and expand your business).  

2. Company Values

A fundamental part of any business is its core values. The core values of Solomoto aim to share our beliefs, personality, story, and serve as intrinsic ways to guide our actions and behaviors to better serve the small businesses who use our service.

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person and organization. They are guiding principles that dictate how you behave and understand the difference between right and wrong.

Core values help companies connect with their audience, frame their mission and vision, define their culture, and decide what to prioritize.

We have compiled a list of 100 values that you can find here. Here’s just a few of our favorites.


To identify your business’ core values, we recommend you read this blog post.

3. Owner’s Personality and Values

Meet our CEO here!

A business owner’s personality and values are often overlooked when it comes to defining the company’s overall personality. However, the owner’s values actually play a large part in what direction the company takes, what the company prioritizes, and what rules and regulations are placed within the company on its workers.

The owner becomes the face that customers associate with the company and are in charge of overseeing all company operations. The values and priorities of the owner will impact the entire success of the company and how the target audience perceives the company.

Note, if a new leader rises to power, he or she does not have to have the same values as the company. In fact, it is usually encouraged for business owners to have a few differing values to bring a fresh perspective to the company.

These new insights help a company innovate and grow. However, if done to drastically, can end up hurting the company and its reputation.

4. Company Priorities

Company priorities can be considered broad, long-term goals as seen in their mission and vision statements and short, quarterly, monthly, or even weekly goals. No matter what type of priority is, short and long-term goals impact and can dramatically change the direction of a company on a product or managerial level.

These goals can alter bureaucratic processes and how administrative initiatives take place to supporting a worldwide movement or charity.

What your business prioritizes can help customers determine what your business values, what impact it will have on the world, and where they as paying customers will fit on the priority list.


Sometimes, if business is not booming, it could be because your business personality is off or is being perceived in a negative light. Because of this, you might feel the need to change your business’ personality.

By doing so, you will essentially change the core of your company, how it functions, and how it is perceived by your audience and employees. You want your business to put it’s best foot forward.

If you audience believes your company is cold, unapproachable, and not helpful, then they are harboring negative emotions towards your business, regardless of product of service quality. If this is the case they will most likely pick a competitor over you. Don’t let this happen!

You also might want to change your business’ personality to allow it to evolve and prioritize new things that may either change your audience entirely or expand your existing market. Changing your business’ personality will allow your business to pivot in a new direction based on the values and priorities your company chooses to embody.

But can you actually change something that is so fundamental to your business?

We say you can...tentatively. Given enough effort and time, you will be able to change an aspect about your business’ personality whether it be culture, core values, new leadership, or company priorities.

However, it might be difficult to do so because it is so fundamental to your business.

While it feels like you might need to purposely change your business’ personality, you probably need to change people’s perception of your company instead.

The easiest way to change people’s perception of your company is by changing some of the points mentioned above. One of the most effective ways to do so is to increase your online presence and social media engagement with your audience.

Social media is necessary for so many reasons in today’s times. Not only can you effectively engage with your audience, but you can create content and spark discussions to show off your personality, creativity, and business to the world.

To efficiently manage everything related to your business’ online and social media presence is very difficult. This is where we come in. Here at Solomoto, we know how important online visibility is to a company’s success.

Our team has created a platform to manage all necessary online and social media activities to help expand your business and the audience you reach.

This all-in-one platform helps save you time and requires no previous experience to use.

If you want to take control of your business’ online life, click here to learn more about how Solomoto can help your productivity.


Best of luck,

The Solomoto Team


P.S. What are the biggest struggles you are having with your current marketing strategy right now? Share them with us in *the comments below* or get in touch with one of our team members over Facebook or Twitter, and we will do our best to help!



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