So you’ve made a Facebook page for your business and are now ready to start seeing your brand grow. Before you set out on this journey, there are a few details we should go over, to make sure your Facebook page indeed generates the results you are hoping for.

Since one of the leading forms of content on Facebook is images, it is certainly not a surprise that your cover photo and profile picture should be top notch in order to increase consumer trust in your brand.

We’re here to let you in on a few crucial tips for making the images on your Facebook business page more effective for building consumer trust and to catch more potential customers during their casual browse through Facebook.

The Cover Photo:

How many of you realized Facebook has made yet another change to the layout of its business page? Yes, the rumors are true, Facebook has once again engaged in tinkering with their system in order to boost effectiveness and relevance for its users. This time, it worked out quite well for everyone.


This is the old layout:

(Photo: Hubspot)



And this is the new one:

What do you think?

If you’ll notice, the profile picture and call to action buttons have been taken out of the cover photo.


Some ways you should capitalize on these changes are:

  1. 1. Using your profile picture for your logo and only your logo - gone are the days of cheeky profile picture and cover photo synchronization.

  2. 2. With the new visibility on your cover photo - you can use some text, now that you no longer have have to worry about having your text obstructed. With that being said, the cover photo is meant to be an aesthetic pull for your consumers, so text should be kept to a minimum.

Here you can see how we’ve utilized only six words to assist the cover photo in conveying the right message:



The Profile Picture:

Since the profile and cover photo are no longer connected, the profile picture should become the icon that you want your company to be recognized by. Therefore, you want to put your best foot forward and put in the logo that represents your company.

Similar to how your logo is shown on your press release forms, business cards, websites and other official materials, your Facebook page should also be branded with your official company logo in order to increase brand recognition. For more information about tools you can use for logo creation, click here.


Sizing Requirements For Facebook:

Profile Pictures:

Your Profile pictures must be at least 180x180 pixels and they are displayed at 170x170 on computers and 128x128 on smartphones.

Cover Photos:

Cover photos are displayed at 828x315 pixels on computers and 640x360 pixels on smartphones. Cover photos must be at least 399x150 pixels.


Final Thoughts:

Now that you’ve understood the technical aspects, remember that quality photos are typically more engaging. Furthermore, consumers pick up on the quality of your image, whether subconsciously or not, and they associate it to the professionalism and quality of your business.


Try not to confuse the consumer with too much noise in one picture, try to keep things simple and to the point. Images can be used similar to text ads in the sense that the more clear the picture, the better the conversion rate.

You're now ready to go and maximize your Facebook page and hopefully maximize profits as well.

Good luck!