Video Marketing for Small Businesses

We know now that content is not only King and Queen, it is the whole royal family and a few of court jesters combined. People love consuming content online, making it the number one marketing tool to attract and connect to potential new audiences. However, within the content family, one heir to the throne is slowly gaining strength and dominance, threatening to take over the throne all together. That heir is the video. Humans love videos, and marketers are quickly seeing that they can spin this to their advantage. With advancing technologies and budget tools, even small businesses can claim a share of the video pie without breaking the bank.


What is Video Marketing?

As online videos are quickly taking over as a key means for consumers to access information and entertainment, video marketing aims to capitalize by incorporating video content into existing marketing strategies. Videos may be promoting the company, product or services and tend to work best when they are both visually appealing and educational.


According to Video Marketing Hollywood, seven in ten people view brands in a more positive light after watching interesting video content from them. Addionally, consumer studies found videos got 1200% more shares than images and text did, and those who watched a promotional video were 64% more likely to buy. Still not convinced?


The Benefits of Video Marketing


  1. Videos are the Future of Marketing

There is a sea of statistics about the growing popularity of video marketing, and you would be hard pressed to find any information that does not suggest its rapid growth over the next few years. Humans are gravitating more and more to visual content which requires less effort to process. The bottom line is that video marketing has become essential for today’s small business owners to gain a competitive edge. 


  1. SEO Advantages

Big search engines such as Google and Bing have begun placing videos in their search results. Not only that, but it is actually faster and easier to optimize your video to appear in the first page of a google search than it is your website. To be exact, your video is 50 times more likely to score a coveted top spot. Videos which are uploaded to YouTube have even better odds of getting exposure on Google. 


  1. Faster, Richer Medium

You know the thing they say about a picture saying 1,000 word? Video follows the same principle, only the effect is significantly multiplied. A simple 2-3 second clip can transmit historical, emotional, and academic information simply from the imagery portrayed in the shot. Videos are an easy way to transmit large quantities of information without boring your audience to death. 


Create Video Content on a Budget

It doesn’t take a professional production team to make great videos your customers will love, and while “viral content” gets a ton of attention, it is not the only way to define video marketing success. Just a simple informational video posted on your website and YouTube channel can greatly increase likability of your brand and customer conversion rate. Don’t forget to utilize social media channels where your followers can easily like and share the video you created.


Award winning producer Amber Tollefson advises small business owners to keep it simple. You don’t need fancy equipment to make a video – start with your smartphone. Upgrade by adding smartphone tools like a microphone and over time maybe a camera. You don’t need to be a master editor either, with websites like, anyone can put together quality content in minutes.